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Put Our Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers In Your Corner

Whether you are simply under criminal investigation or whether you are already charged with a crime, your reputation, professional and business life, social relationships, and freedom are at stake. At such a difficult time, your first priority must be finding a qualified criminal defense lawyer in Miami who will protect your rights and help you develop a defense strategy that is thorough, aggressive, and professional.

The experienced criminal defense lawyers at Law Offices of Paul D. Petruzzi, P.A. will pursue every available legal avenue to ensure that your defense is conducted in an effective and professional manner, while providing you with the personal support and guidance you need throughout the criminal legal process.

We represent clients in South Florida, statewide and nationally in the full range of criminal cases. No case is too small or too complex. We carefully review the unique facts of every case before creating a strategy to minimize the impact of criminal charges on our clients. Often, the best possible outcome can be reached without the need to go to court. However, our attorneys are experienced litigators who are always ready to advocate aggressively for our clients at trial if necessary.

Start Your Defense Today

Regardless of the nature of the criminal charges or investigation you face, how your case is developed and its final outcome will be greatly impacted by the quality and dedication of the legal representation you have. To protect yourself, your families and your future, talk to an attorney at our firm today. Find out where you stand, the implications of the charges you face, and how we can help you with a thoroughly professional criminal defense.

We understand that your future depends on how you are defended, and we work diligently to give you the legal opportunities and effective strategies needed to achieve optimum case results. Call us today at 305-539-0118 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.