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Federal Criminal Defense FAQ

Lead attorney Paul Petruzzi is an experienced Miami federal criminal defense lawyer who has handled more than 600 cases in federal courts across the United States. As such, Mr. Petruzzi and his legal team know federal criminal defense law. They know that a criminal charge – especially in federal court – can cause serious anxiety and disruption to you and those around you. Because of this, they have compiled general information that can be of use to you and your loved ones for your own peace of mind.

Navigate through the following questions:

Although specific defenses to any criminal offense will vary depending on the nature of the case, the firm’s legal team has provided basic answers to frequently asked questions about federal criminal offenses. The team hopes that you can use this information to help you learn more about federal criminal court cases, gain a better understanding of the nature of your particular federal case, and get a big-picture view of what you are facing.

For complimentary initial consultation, contact us today at 305-330-1774 to learn how we can help you.

Answers To Your Questions From The Law Offices of Paul D. Petruzzi, P.A.

What is a federal investigation? 
A federal investigation concerns suspected violations of United States law. Law enforcement agents of the United States may conduct these investigations in every state across our country, on the high seas, and on foreign soil. The federal government conducts investigations as part of its ongoing enforcement operations. Dozens of federal agencies participate in conducting investigative operations, such as task forces, fieldwork, analysis, evidence collection, surveillance, and other efforts.

Who will investigate me? 
Generally, the United States government; although there are dozens of different federal agencies that may conduct an investigation of you or your business. If any of the following agencies contacted you or someone you know for an interview, you may be suspected of a federal crime that has warranted an investigation:

Do I have rights during an investigation?
Yes. Just as you have rights after an arrest, you have rights during an investigation. You have the right to refuse to answer questions. You have the right to demand a lawyer. Miranda rights protect your Fifth Amendment right to refuse questioning that may lead to self-incrimination. By asserting your right to remain silent and your right to legal counsel, all interrogations must cease until your Miami federal defense lawyer is present.

Do I need an attorney? 
Yes. If you are under federal investigation or indicted for a federal offense, it is urgent that you speak with legal counsel specializing in federal criminal law. An experienced federal criminal lawyer knows how to properly defend your rights, your reputation, and your freedom in federal court. At the Law Offices of Paul D. Petruzzi, P.A., not only do we provide our clients with exceptional representation, but we focus on eliminating the potentially negative impacts that a criminal conviction could have on your life.

If I am arrested, can I be released on bail?
This depends on the details surrounding your case and ultimately the judge’s decision. Their decision will be based on various factors such as the nature of the crime, the weight of evidence, any prior offenses, and if you pose any level of danger to the community. For more information on bonds for federal crimes, click here.

Retain A Nationally Recognized Trial Lawyer

Even if we already addressed your particular question, it is very common for additional questions or concerns to arise. The team welcomes your input and are here to help. All you have to do is schedule a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation with the team to review every aspect of your case in detail.

Contact the firm today to work directly with attorney Petruzzi, who has been included in the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by The National Trial Lawyers association.